Hello! I’m a video game designer from Berlin. Welcome to my web zone.









Monkey Island 2 Flash Film

For the 15 year anniversary of the first Monkey Island flash film.
Release: 2022
Language: DE & EN
︎︎︎ Youtube DE
︎︎︎ Youtube EN

Sam & Max Secret Origins: Skun'kape

Promotional movie for the first episode of Sam and Max Season 3
Release: 2010
Language: EN
Produced for: Telltale Games
︎︎︎ Youtube

I wonder what happens in Tales of Monkey Island

Promotional movies for Telltale Games Tales of Monkey Island. All of the stories are fun speculations on what the upcoming episodes of the game would bring.
Background art by Martin Köhler, with additonal voices by Thorsten Fietzek, Andrei Constantinescu, Ines Dombek, Kurt Thingvold and Smudo.
Release: 2009
Language: EN
Produced for: Telltale Games
︎︎︎ Youtube

The Whispered World Flash Film

Promotional movie for Daedelics The Whispered World.
Release: 2009
Language: DE
Produced for: Daedalic Entertainment
︎︎︎ Youtube

Ein Film der keine Urheberrechte verletzt.

I applied for an online film festival with my Monkey Island Flash Film, but got disqualified later since it's a movie based on an existing IP. So I remade the film and reuploaded it to the platform, allowing me to re-enter the festival.
Release: 2008
Language: DE
︎︎︎ Youtube

Strongbads presents for Suro

A film for Suros birthday, based on the Homestar Runner series.
Release: 2008
Language: DE
︎︎︎ Youtube

Phoenix Wright and the Final Evidence

A film I made with Thorsten Fietzek and Andreas Abb. We all share our love for the Phoenix Wright Series.
Release: 2008
Language: DE
︎︎︎ Youtube

Shadow of the Colossus

A film for Suros birthday, based on Shadow of the Colossus.
Release: 2007
Language: DE
︎︎︎ Youtube

Raumschiff Enterprise

Nick Maierhöfer and I watched a lot of Star Trek Next Generation when we were little. Between 2007 and 2009 I made three flash movies for his birthday.
Release: 2007-2009
Language: DE
︎︎︎ Youtube

Monkey Island Flash Film

A retelling of my favorite game, The Secret of Monkey Island.
Release: 2007
Language: DE & EN
︎︎︎ Youtube DE
︎︎︎ Youtube EN